How can you prepare today's learners for an unpredictable future?
EFG Learning develops programs that nurture lifelong creative learning based on globally established best practices in education.
We offer services to education organizations, parents and students that are guaranteed to build confident learners ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

The first year I taught Creative Learning (a subject that I developed to inspire learners to become creators using tools like writing & media), my students' reactions surprised me...
In the beginning, my students were bewildered! How can we write stories? We are not authors and then slowly, they were writing 2…3…4…pages and then they got together to write a group novel. One of my students called me and said, "Ma’am I can’t stop thinking about how I, a 5th Grader, am writing a novel! It’s such a great feeling!"
As their writing and observation skills improved, I threw a challenge at them: Would they be able to use their academic subjects as inspiration while writing stories?
This is one of the stories that resulted from asking this question (and let me add that this magical story was written by a student who had dyslexia with poor scores in English) -
The simple machines live in a forest and suddenly their habitat is endangered, a builder wants to construct a complex right in the midst of it. So the simple machines gang up and dismantle the other machines used for construction. With a happy ending, the builder gives up his ambitious project.
Today, through our offerings at EFG Learning we hope that our programs will help learners joyously push their own boundaries to develop their innate talents and skills with a growth mindset.